Trading down for recycled plastic bottle padding - culthread

Trading down for recycled plastic bottle padding

At culthread we pride ourselves on being a sustainable, slow fashion brand, respecting the planet, people and animals alike. Therefore, in order to create a sustainable alternative to regular padded jackets containing down feathers we use a product called Thermore® Ecodown®. Not only is Thermore® a durable, PETA approved, down alternative, it also the only thermal insulation product in the market containing 100% recycled fibres from post-consumer PET bottles.


two women wearing culthread jackets 


Millions of plastic bottles are used and discarded each day around the world, many of which are not being recycled and are therefore ending up in landfill and polluting our oceans. These plastic bottles are commonly made of PET and have the opportunity to have a whole new life when people choose to recycle them after use. This new life could include being part of one of our culthread creations, being repurposed to produce Thermore® Ecodown® by utilising PET bottles in a specific way.


close up of culthread jacket

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Once used PET bottles have followed standard recycling procedure, the PET flakes are melted and then spun into new useful fibres. These are the fibres that are then used to produce the thermal insulation Ecodown®, which is then used in jackets such as our Culthread padded jackets, demonstrating high performance and a high warmth-to-weight ratio.


Every jacket that is insulated with Thermore® allows recycling of up to 10 bottles, therefore every time you invest in a culthread you can be sure that it is something that will feel good to wear and you can feel good about buying!

Note: culthread no longer uses Thermore EcoDown, but rather Mirea, which can be sourced directly in Vietnam, reducing our carbon footprint.

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